Thursday, April 21, 2011

Separa merdeka


Saya bajet semua orang yang still terhegeh-hegeh amek kelas macam saya, once ada kerja yang dah habes, mesti relieve!! Owh gembiranya!!

1. Seminar class presentation and poster - DONE!!
2. Pedology presentation - DONE!!
3. Pedology term paper - tinggal conclusion
4. Geostatistic homework - DONE!!
5. Geostatistic project - tak start satu sen lagi, bukan kes malas tapi kes kena berebut komputer dengan budak   turf yang sibuk main facebook. Bengang aje rasa!!
 6. IPNI scholarship application - tak start langsung, due date 30 June, lambat lagi ^_^
 7. Final exam pedology - tengok soalan pon nak pitam huhu

PSS 6001
Spring 2011
Final Exam (Due May 5, 2011)

Name ________________

1.            Contrast and compare three soil forming processes that are mutually exclusive with three other soil forming processes.  For example, Podzolization would not likely occur in the same soil as Salinization. Why? You can use this example and discuss two more such conditions or you can choose three of your own. (25 pts)

2.            Contrast and compare three soil forming processes with three other processes that are likely to occur in the same soil.  For example, oxidation and reduction. (25 pts)

3.            Soil Taxonomy and most other soil taxonomic systems are, to a large degree, based upon the soil process of Lessivage.  Calcification occurs in as many soils as Lessivage.  Why is calcification not as prominent as Lessivage in classification systems?   (20 pts)

4.            Using the five forming factors, discuss two soil forming processes that seem to be the major processes associated with that factor. For example, climate: calcification and salinization.  It is difficult, if not impossible, to relate soil forming processes directly with one of the factors.  Which one is it and discuss why? Based upon this condition, can it be said that there is really only one independent soil forming factor? (30 pts)

5.            Discuss three of the soil forming processes in relation to entropy of three soil orders.  Indicated how these processes are related if you keep four of the five factors constant.  In other words, state which four factors are kept constant? (25 pts)

6.            You are looking across a landscape in a basin setting with mounds and linear ridges of moderate relief on either side of central stream drainage.  How would you determine if these landforms are erosional or depositional landforms?  What tools would you use to make these determinations?   What soil profiles might you expect if the landforms are erosional and why?  What soil profiles might you expect if the landforms are depositional and why? (30 pts)

7.            Discuss the morphological soils profile features or horizons you would expect for three soils ranging in age from:  100 years, 50,000 years, and 200,000 years if the parent material is composed of cobbles, stones and sandy alluvial fan sediments. (15 pts)

8.            Discuss the relationships of the soil forming factors that were responsible for the formation of the Mollisol you observed after lunch on Thursday. (mollic epipedon, argillic horizon and calcic horizon) (20 pts)

9.            Simonson, R. W.  1959.  Outline of a Generalized Theory of Soil Genesis.  Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 23:152-156.  Apply the four process using one or two examples of the soils you observed on the field trip. (10 pts)
 10.         Jackson, M. L. and G. D. Sherman.  1953.  Chemical Weathering of Minerals in Soils.  Advances in Agronomy. vol V:220-318. Assuming the parent material of the soils is a quartz monazite, and based upon the saprolytic Mollisol you observed at the top of the pass on Thursday, discuss the mineral weathering sequence of the quartz monzonite to the present-day Mollisol. Assume you have a mollic epipedon, argillic horizon and a Crt horizon. (20 pts)
11.         Arnold, R. W. 1965.  Multiple working hypotheses in soil genesis.  SSSAJ 29: 714-724.  Dr. Arnold presents four models.  Discuss the relationships of these models to the five soil forming factors. (10 Pts.)

12.         Yaalon, D. H. 1975. Conceptual models in pedogenesis.  Can soil-forming functions be solved?  Geoderma 14: 189-205.  (10 Pts.) Can soil-forming functions be solved? If no, why not, if yes, how can they be solved? (10 Pts.)

Ada sape-sape yang lapang masa nk tolong jawab? Satu soalan saya bagi rm200. Serius, saya tak tipu.

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